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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by MOONY

  1. H I all

    I started a Blacksmithing Apprentership on the 6 january 1975 with BHP STEEL MAKING PLANT PORT KEMBLA,in there Blacksmithimng department we had 4 hammers, 3 on steam and 1, 5cwt alldays air hammer the steamies where 25 cwt 15cwt an a 5cwt , also no electricity , only lights , but i started playing in my old uncles farm forge in about 1967 -68 , hitting old shoes in to sort of knifes an other pointy things ,lol as kids do.
    also helping our old farrier at his shop , if you turned his blower he took 50c on the shoeing , most people just left the horse but i would go to his shop on the way home from school and Saturdays stay a while manning his blower , for a horse or a few and hitting more pointy thing from old shoes

    I stayed at BHP as the leading hand blacksmith till 1986 , but i also had a small workshop smithy of my own from 1978 -9 , then in 86 off i went , i mostly made springs for trucks buses an cars and any thing i was asked to i had a 4cwt German hammer ,an a Galith spring hammer

    Its all been flat out from there , now 36years later an still at it , but i work for my self ,doing others need ,
    i also teach part time at a government college teaching trade blacksmithing , but i hope to do more of what i want to make , sculptures furniture and things that go boom ,

    Advice to any one thinking to take up Blacksmithing , try to get formal trainning in the basics , calculus in formulas for forging and steel fabrication work , trade drawing, and art drawing ,heat treatment off metals, all electric welding operations , and to be willing to work hard an long hours for lowish wages , but it dose get better as your skills improve, and if you still in the game after 10 years and still doing it
    ye must have been doing it right , and if you are doing it as a hobby good ,it cheaper than therapy, an you can make a few dollars on the trip through



  2. hi all
    spark test is a very simple way to tell if the steel is a low carbon steel or higher carbons , but if you have samples of steels you know exactly what they are, you can get a accurate test , by testing the known piece against the unknown piece , it is best done with a lite press on the wheel and in a darken area , i have used this method of testing now from when i was shown how to do it in my training an a kid smith
    keep up the interest

  3. hi its moony here ok i will get more photos from mitchell my son hes the camera bloke , an as to Mr Paley dose he evey enter ifi hes a wizz , when i visit usa one day i would love to meet up with him ,
    we have a iron gathering here been now going 27 years called IRON CORROBOREE one of the founding member shes visited and worked at paleys shop some 20 years ago,

  4. hi John and all members of peel river artistic blacksmith group THIS IS GLENN MOON here i like to invite any of you that might be interested , to our gathering at braidwood in , GET HAMMERED it not a formal group, just a hammer in at my smithy it open to all , the date is the last weekend off october frid sat sun , if any ones interested please email or ph me on springandhammer@hotmail.com or ph 0437401723 say hi to CRAIG

  5. hi phill no worries i an looking at taking the alldays as well i am geting another genny a smaller one than i use for the big hammer it should be about 20kva 3phase deisel , i will have it in a trailer and its going to be my little one at the shed and spare[ tyer] . no more petrol 7kva that want run much it to small, and its petrol , and no 3phase, it will be on bio deisel , i found them about 6grand new , its anther cost but thats life ,alsi i found a pump for my large press 1500 liters per minute at 320 bar with a 50hp motor so that will make it go lol faster i hope ,but i worry about the pump its been out in weather with no cover si it had better be cheap or i think i will get soming like it new but its a hi cost any way i will look in to it its in SA , BUT Iwill see if they can proof it, ok, then good
    when are the north blacksmiths coming down i will try to get up

  6. Hi all ye it on again GET HAMMERED we are going to have it his year down by the river sorry , but the shop is now so full i could not fit 8 people in with all things about , i will take down the 9 kg 15kg and i am trying to arrange to take down a 1cwt alldays and onion and as well we can come up to my main shop and play a bit about but it will be crowded if we all stay in there , well its only 2 months till it on and i am still building these gates for the school but its happening , and should be all done soon could any who is looking at attending please let me know by email ,springandhammer@hotmail.com, thanks to all, it a real pleasure to have all of you, who are interested in blacksmithing
    as dale said this year a $50-00 for the fuel and steel and the saturday dinner ,

  7. HI IAN glade u had a time in usa and here with us in oz well u done it the usa a bit dont forget to send me some photos in dvd of u trip as i did not get any when u here andt tell sean if he could also send a dvd of photos of here as a keep sake of u visit ,
    hope the big blow coming dont delay u plane trip to uk if it dose its another adventor , , well hope steeping stones is still a goer and u get a new digs, and all goes as to plain 4u so
    NOW blowen in usa lololololl ,

  8. hi ian and all fellow smith, ian hows the smithing , visits going , hope i see you been looking about the usa, well done will u be going to blacksmith wars i hope so i wish i could have been able to gety over but i am still on the gates but down hill run now its ben a job and a have but i am ok with it and mitchy been helping but i dont want another large project i am not as young as you need to be to take on a project like this , well ian good to see u enjoying the smiddies from USA , CU
    Glenn moon MOONY

  9. Hi all this Moony here the carburizing of mild steel or wrpought iron is not a simple avent i heatreat a lot of bevel gears used in slashers to cut feilds, i pack the gears in a steel box about 1/4 '' thick wall all the gears have a peice of wire tired to them so you can fetch them from the box, the items wishing to be case carburizing is packed in the box with charcoal crystals about 10mm dia not dust , with a full covering over the items, when the box if full with items and charcoal fit a lid that you can make leak proof [sealed] with a mixture of fire clay and sand 50 50 , when dry put the box into the furnace and take to tempreture 900c hold at this temp for many hours about 5 hour will give you about 20thou of an inch , longer will go deeper but a 1'' thick piece will take many 10s of hours to get full carburizing if you can!!! , this method is only used to put a case [surface hardness ] of about 1=2mm at most on the items that need the wear resistance , and if you want only some areas case carburized you pant benternite clay on to the un case carburizing area then heat as normal , then after you have soaked the items in the box ,open it quickly drag the piece out with a hook to grab the wire then quench is the medium , [brine , water] or the medium that the steel designed for , but you usually only do case carb on soft steels . like mild steel os case hardening steels only have fun its not a quick thing to do

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