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I Forge Iron

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Hey all

I'm Iain aka Brasilikilt, 30 years old and living in Portland, Oregon.

First of all, I've had a love of history and old tools/weapons ever since I can remember.
As a result I have become a reenactor/craftsman who has settled on the 18th-mid 19th century time frame.

Right now I primarily make powder horns and do leather work such as shooting bags, sporrans, knife sheaths and Scottish targes.
I have also been known to refurbish old knives.

I am currently enrolled in a welding tech course because it's the closest decent paying vocation to blacksmithing.

I've only pounded iron (on a proper setup) a few times, but have done lots of tiny items such as forging powder horn staples, making nails etc with a propane torch and a RR track anvil.

I would like to step it up a few notches and eventually build a portable setup so that I may pound iron at rendezvous and other historical events.

It seems like everyone nowadays comes into this trade wanting to forge knives. I love knives and want to make them, but I would like to start by making more mundane utilitarian items such as nails, hinges, and hopefully forge my own framing hammer.

I know I can be rather long winded, but if you've made it this far thanks for reading and I hope to chat with you more.



Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! First I would like to say something on "utilitarian items such as nails, hinges, and hopefully forge my own framing hammer." And not meaning to step on any toes...Hinges can be very decorative to say the least, nails are one of the best ways to increase hammer control. Making your own framing hammer could fall into the same catagory as making a knife! :) There are several ABANA affiliates in your area, look them up for getting toys....er, I mean tools, to take your set-up to the next level. There is a TON of stuff to read and learn here, just pack a big lunch and let someone know where you are...could take a while. Also, check out the gallery, lots of fine work as well as differant forge/shop set-ups.


Welcome aboard Iain, glad to have ya.

As Thomas says find your local group and meet some smiths, nothing accelerates the old learning curve like some hands on instruction, Q&A and breeze shootin.

If you'll click "User CP" at the top of the page and edit your profile to show your location folk will be able to remember where you are if a get together comes up, there's a hot deal on some tools, etc.



Hey fellas, thanks for the warm welcome

The framing hammer idea comes in from looking at a collection of tools from an 18th century British naval carpenter. It basically looked like a mini sledge hammer with claws on one side.....It'll take some practice, but I'll get it eventually.

There is a local historical site not too far from my house where I can volunteer.
The great thing is that they have a fully functional reconstruction of the blacksmith shop that was there, complete with swage blocks, post vises, a few anvils, this huge metal cone with a groove running down one side, every sort of hammer you can think of and a huge brick forge with the gigantic double stage bellows mounted on either side.
It seriously is a wonderful place for a smithy.

The problem where I live is that the neighbors probably wouldn't appreciate hearing "tink tink tink tink" for hours on end, so volunteering there is I think my best option.
It's also great so that I can figure out what tools are used most for the type of things I plan to make.

Thanks again


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