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A couple of months ago I was given a Canedy Otto #2 hand cranked drill press. Over all it's in good shape and shouldn't be too much of a problem to get it up and running.

General Shot

The biggest issue is that some of the auto feed components are missing and I'd like to fabricate a replacement.

Auto Feed Gears Near Flywheel


Additionally, there's a "mystery part" whose purpose I can't determine. It's located below the feeder wheel and has multiple holes in it. Looks kinda like a drill index except the holes are the same size.

"Mystery Part"

Does anyone have a functioning version of this press that they could take photos of? Or does anyone have complete drawings showing the autofeed?

Many thanks!


Prior to the advent of the "Jacob's Chuck" all drill shanks were the same size to fit the drill press. Not that it IS a drill index but it certainly could be.

Yours has a Jacob's chuck but it may not be original.

You can do a Google patent search of the patent # and maybe get a good idea of what parts are missing and what they look like. Some components may have patent #s of their own and would be worth searching out for the drawings.



I got one of those projects going too, mine is complete just needs cleaned up, but the winter puts a damp on my projects(hence the hiatus from IFI, lol)I'll dig it out tommarow and post a few pics... and may be able to hook you up with some castings... it might be a day or two before i can get it doug out.



Gobae, I have a Canedy-Otto No.1 post drill and a Canedy-Otto No.2 post drill that I am in the process of restoring. Your mystery part with the holes is for drill bits. The round flat area to the left of that is for the oil can. Send me a private message if you need some photos or sketches of your missing parts. Phil


Frosty - Haha, that's kinda ironic. I googled "patent search" and came up with the government site. Google's own site was even in the search results!


Yeah, I know. You have to search "Google patent" or you get the gvt site. If you search "Patent Server" you'll get all kinds of patent search engines from poor excuse freebies to pro pay per view engines.

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