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I Forge Iron

Another newbie says "Hi"


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I'm glad I found your forum. I've been dreaming of getting into this almost perfect way to build black boogers for a long time now! I finally have the time and, untill this recession, depression, world monetary colapse....the money.

I just started making knives and I regret not having done this much sooner! So, I'm a total newbie and will spend a lot of time browsing your site to learn all I can. My goal is to set up a small home smithie and blade shop in which I can make and eventually forge some knives and make some decorative items.

I promise to not post stupid things...unless I figger I can make you smile, snicker, or ponder why I'm so dang dumb. And please don't be afraid to let me know what you think:rolleyes:

Hope this becomes a great year for all of you.

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nvr2late welcome to I Forge Iron

I could not agree with your more. It is never to late if you don't want it to be.;)
From what you say, I think you are heading in the right direction.
There is no sense in telling you what to do or how to do it.
You have not come this far in life with out knowing how to figure out how to get things started.
I wish you the very best as you travel the blacksmthing road.
Ted Throckmorton

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