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I Forge Iron

Hello from a newbe oldtimer


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I am new to this forum although i have looked at some things my son has shown on here, I decided to join to see more. My Grandpa blacksmithed many many years ago, but never passed it on. My son got into it and it very interesting to watch him. I think this way I can follow him more on his projects. It is most interesting. Thanks for letting me in, I will just poke around a bit.

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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Poke all you want but you will have more fun if you actually get something hot and HIT IT!! :) There is a world of information here as well as pictures in the gallery. So if you do go looking into all of it make sure you pack a lunch and please let someone know where you are...you could get lost. Once again, welcome.

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Hello Charliel,
I welcome you to I Forge Iron
I am your neighbor here in eastern Utah.
Please do not count your self short because you are older or that you lack
experience in blacksmithing.
Arguably, like most crafts you could break blacksmithing down into basic fundamental skills.
One essential blacksmithing skill is the skill of problem solving.
Age, experience, and problem solving seem to walk hand in hand.
As with older people, problem solving has been an everyday experience, and it carries over very well into the craft of blacksmithing. That will be to your advantage.
Just add in a little study, observation, and some hands-on time and you will be HOOKED!
I suggest that you start small and keep it at a level of enjoyable.
Have fun!
Ted Throckmorton

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