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I Forge Iron

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Hello everyone, looks like I'm the new guy on the block. My name is Roger, I've been blacksmithing for about 5 years now. I started under my Sugar Maple tree in the back yard. I live in town and thank God I have great neighbors. As I'm sure everyone knows how starting a coal forge can sure fog a neighborhood. I was waiting to hear the local fire department pull up to my front door. Since then I moved my shop to the edge of town, to an old cinder block building with brokenout windows (great ventalation) and snow drifts on the floor. But it suits me fine. I have alot of fun out there doing projects, and just getting the shop set up. I haven't been able to enjoy the shop the past few days because of the weather we've been getting here in Wisconsin, did I mention the windows? Anyway I glad to be on board. I look forward to help and be helped from my fellow blacksmiths. Talk to you soon. Roger


Hello Roger

Ive been here a few days myself and regret not having found this website before. Its just loaded with information!. Im sure you will like this place and the members. Eric


Welcome aboard Roger.

What kind of security do you have where you're set up?

Is it fenced in, do you take your stuff home with you or do you just trust in the good nature of folks?



Roger, I was forging on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday, it sucked, but I have a plywood shack with three cut-out windows. Didn't stop me, regretted it later though, I was frozen all day long. I'm located in watertown, ever hear of UMBA?

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