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Greeting Everyone
Ralph Andrew Kessler here just to introduce me to all of you.I have been working in steel all of my life. Machinist, Tool and Die maker, Moldmaker, Knifemaker, and Blacksmith. After an injury I returned to the most basic form of metalworking. Blacksmithing, I want to work with earlier methods of Joinerny and become much more effiecent at my work. I was just starting during the Biannual Meeting in Asheville N.C.,
had some injuries and now all I want to do is Hit it Hot. All help is greatly appreciated and any help I can give,I will do so gladly. This year will be spent building a place to work and collecting, and forging the tools I need. Thank to all. I have joined "Alex Bealer.org"and soon ABANA.
[email protected]

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Welcome aboard Ralph.

If you'll click on "User CP" at the top of the page and edit your profile to show your location you'll probably find folk close enough to visit. It'll also make it easier for us old farts to remember who's neighborhood we're in if we're traveling and need a snack or cool beverage.


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