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I Forge Iron

It'ty Bitty Cut off Wheel

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Has any one ever gotten a cut off wheel down that small?
I was about to throw it in the trash..... but then I thought to myself, its kind of a waste to get rid of somethin that still works. So i think i'll keep using it..........Until, I feel like buying some more :)

I'll post more pics as it gets smaller.

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First put the guard back on the angle grinder, then toss the cut off wheel. When they get down that small they are prone to break and go flying in all directions.

As Glenn has said before, decide what you can live without, right eye, left hand, assorted toes, now protect the rest.


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Woody is right, when they come apart they can do alot of damage. I have a mustache to help hide the scar. :roll:

I have saved a few chopsaw wheels and other circular objects on nails on the shop wall for quick circle layouts. thats about all I know they're good for. :idea:


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I save 'em til they're a little bigger than that... but I pretty much always use the guard. If someone whinges about it I tell 'em it's to keep sparks outta my face. Usually the complainers don't wear earplugs or respirators, so I have to shout so they can hear me with their deaf ears over their own coughing. :)

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