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I Forge Iron

Lead on a lot of blacksmithing items!

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I hope this is not posting in the wrong area. If so, please accept my apologies before hand. I just know how hard it is to get that first anvil, blower, forge, etc. I have been blessed with an abundance of friends that always are looking out for me when it comes to blacksmithing leads on anvils and stuff like that. I just wish I had the funds to purchase them all.:) I was talking to Jerry over in the Lafayette, LA about how hard it is to find a large swage block. He mentioned a name of a man where I am from (Baton Rouge, LA) that has a ton of blacksmithing items that were for sale. I was a little skeptical at first, so I called Pete and started talking to him about what he had and so on and so forth. So, went over to his shop this past Monday
and my jaw is still being operated on, it came unhinged when he opened his door. I forgot to mention that I do know Pete. He is a member of the Gulfcoast Blacksmithing Association. I went thru his items and picked out quite a few things for myself that I have been waiting patiently for. Anyway, to make a long story short, the deal is this.... Pete has about 10-12 anvils ranging in the 100 to 200 range, 15ish blowers, 8 forges in various stages repair, a pexto plate, various tin smithing stakes, 8 post vices, and about 20 various types of wall mounted drill presses, and two metal shears.
He has everything that he wants to get started in blacksmithing and is looking to get rid of some of these items. I know that a lot of people lately have been looking for these items. If you live around here in MS, LA or willing to travel, Pete is looking at getting rid of some of these items soon. In no way, shape or form am I getting anything out of this. Just thought it might be a good way of paying some of you guys back from all the reading that I do on this forum. I have talked to Pete and have his permission to take pictures if anyone is interested. Send me a pm and I will get back with you.

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