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Just wanted opinions from the welding world, about the bad cables on the cheap buzz box I got. They are small and have bad contacts for ground and the rod's stinger.

I just picked up new cables ($20) for the $20 buzz box I got a few days ago. they are from a Lincoln 200 amp arc welder, very good condition, because the box it plugged into was stolen from the back of the truck. :o

anyway the question is should I hard wire these into the Buzz box I have, and the existing wires (very thin wire and Insulation even for the 100 amp box) or spend more money and get the female jacks from Lincoln, and install them in the box?

P.S My day job is as a Union Electrician, so I have experience in doing both operations safe and legally. just wondering if I should stop spending money on this and just weld with it :)

Edited by steve sells

plug in leads are handy you can use them on anything and are not tied to welder
also if you have to leave welder & worry about the scrap price on you're new leads you can take them with you :) I have around 400' worth here @ the shop
on other welders & running out of shop to eqt work area if needed for portable welding they can be put together :) there is a small and a large type and one company's will not work with another's OFTEN so watch for that and ck connection's

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