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I Forge Iron

Estate sale

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Moderator:  If you feel this post better fits in Tailgating please place it there.

Earlier today someone posted a notice of an estate sale in [deleted] but, unfortunately, they posted a direct commercial link (shock! horror!) and it got moderated away quckly.  I happened to see it while it was up and the sale looks interesting.  [deleted].

Anyway, I will mention it in a way that I am pretty sure does not violate the terms of service.  It is with [deleted].  That should give anyone enough information to do their own research and find it.  [deleted]


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I noticed the sale posting as well George, but it got swept away before I could reply. [deleted] The thing that struck me as I looked at the large number of photos of the shop is that things appeared to have been in use relatively recently, as though the owner passed suddenly. The sad note to my mind (that probably strikes a chord with many of us) is that he or she did not have the opportunity to direct the disposition of their treasures. On the other hand I guess I'd rather go with my hammer in my hand, but that's a thought for another day...


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MOD NOTE: The posting in question was removed not simply because it contained a commercial link, but because the tailgating rules specifically state that the section is for person-to-person sales between forum members ONLY.  Glenn was quite adamant that posting notices of third-party sales was not permitted. 

This is distinct from the rules regarding posting company names or commercial links. The first is permitted, as it provides information to forum members about sources of supply. The second is forbidden, as it constitutes unpaid advertising and feeds web traffic algorithms. 

The rule against posting notices of third-party sales remains in effect. This thread will not be deleted, to help members understand the policy. However, information about this specific sale will be removed from the thread and comments will be turned off.  

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