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I Forge Iron

Flu entrance?

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Hello everyone,

I have a flu just behind and slightly above my firepot and it is constructed of sheet metal and I was wondering if there is anything I can do around that sheet metal border at the mouth that might just give me a little advantage for pulling the smoke and heat off the fire pot. Someone said once that if you put firebricks near the entrance of the flu it keeps the entrance warm which tends to pull the heat towards it. I'm not sure if that is true or just wishful thinking? I don't have the room for firebricks but was wondering if welding some copper around that face might make the opening of the flu really hot and tend to pull air faster into it. Would this work? Or is it jut crazy talk?


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I have seen a side draft hood somewhat similar to the one pictured. It draws very well. It is used in an air conditioned building and there is seldom any smoke in the building. I personally do not know or understand all of the mechanics involved but, it does have a smoke shelf and the chimney pipe goes straight up through the roof without any bends.
When I build mine, I will model it after this one.....

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You shouldn't need to weld anything to the opening to get it to draw.

What's it look like from the side?

What's the diameter of the stove pipe and how tall from the opening?

How many sq/in is the opening?


The opening is 9.5" x 9.5" I'm limited with the rest of the flu because it has to fit through a mand door :( The Flu is about 25" wide x 9" deep x 38" tall and then it goes into an 8" dia stove pipe. Cant go wider then 8" because the top is only about 8.5"

The one thing I believe i have going for me is that the flu entrance leans over about 45% of the firepot.

So i'm reading between the lines that putting something heat conductive around a sheet metal flu entrance does nothing?? :confused:

Any help much appreciated! :)
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I have seen a side draft hood somewhat similar to the one pictured. It draws very well. It is used in an air conditioned building and there is seldom any smoke in the building. I personally do not know or understand all of the mechanics involved but, it does have a smoke shelf and the chimney pipe goes straight up through the roof without any bends.
When I build mine, I will model it after this one.....

Okay.. mine does not have a smoke shelf. I thought about making one but for the dimensions I kinda felt like it would just be pinching off the volume of air incredibly. Most in here tended to think I shouldn't do it when I asked, so I left it out. Hopefully that's not a mistake. First non-rainy stormy day we have here in mass. i'm going to spray paint the whole forge with black hammered spray paint and light this bad boy up. I've been working on it forever and a day. Finally I can start rubbin elbows with yah all. ;-)
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