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I am new to forging made a few small knives. Want to try damascus a canister with bearings. So my question is can I use borax or should I use a 1095 powder? 


Baker:  Welcome aboard.  Read "Read this First" up in the blue banner if you haven't already.  Also, post your location in your profile.  Where you are located in this wide world may have an affect on our answers to your queries.  There may also be someone nearby to help out on skills in person.

To answer your question:  There is no equivalence between borax and powdered 1095 steel.  They are different substances that do different things.  The steel powder becomes part of the blade and welds together with whatever else is in your canister.  Borax is a flux used in forge welding to keep oxygen out of the weld.  Since the canister is welded shut and sealed there is no oxygen available inside the canister to be a problem.  So no need for borax or any other flux in a canister weld.

Frankly, your question indicates that you are trying to run a marathon before you walk.  Canister welding is a fairly advanced technique and if you don't know the difference between powdered steel and borax you are probably pretty much a rookie.  Work on your skills and knowledge before you get ahead of yourself.  By trying to do too much too soon you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment and very possibly getting yourself into an unsafe situation.  Perfect your skills at layered pattern welding before you try canister.

Good luck and keep us up to date on your progress.  We LOVE photos.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."   

12 hours ago, George N. M. said:

Baker:  Welcome aboard.  Read "Read this First" up in the blue banner if you haven't already. 

Thanks for the reply and info. I've been reading and watching endless videos. I was telling my brother that you don't need borax in a canister and you'd use a powder metal. I think I will try a few layers before I mess up my bearings. The photos are of my first knife

Thanks again




Actually you don't need a powdered metal either if you are just welding up layers of steel in a cannister.  Some folks will add a drop of oil as an Oxygen scavenger before sealing it up. Making sure the layers are clean helps a lot too.

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