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I Forge Iron

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I'm an ol' Kansas farmboy who moved west mannnnnnny years ago and took root here in the Emerald Zone.

Grandfathers on both sides were metalworkers: one an apprenticed blacksmith and the other an old school tool & die maker. Learned a lot from those two and wish there had been time and facilities to have learned more. It has been a great inheritance and served me very well over the years.

I've been involved in many things professionally......aircraft inspector, millwright, machinist, Boilermaker, shipyard superintendent, all of which added to my reportoire in making things well.

I'm not heavily into smithing but have collected a fair assortment of smithing tools along with a very fine 170# Hay-Budden anvil acquired many years ago. Now that I'm officially retired, I'm getting back into it and doing MY work on MY schedule

May your grins be many......and contagious !!



Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI!
I was born in Seattle, a few yrs ago. Haven't been up in that neck of the woods since '71. We used to go up and see Mom's side of the family during the summers. Would like to get up there again sometime. My grandparents had property on Camino Island, BEAUTIFUL area.

Well, kick your shoes off, grab something to eat and drink as you'll be here a while. If you can't find the answer in the active or archived threads just ask. Someone here most likely knows the answer. The rest of us might make something up for ya, BUT, it'll sound good.;)
Once again, welcome. BTW, we like PICTURES!!

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