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I Forge Iron

Scored a good one

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Hauled a tractor for a lady who’s husband recently passed. Noticed the anvil in the weeds. I asked her if she wanted to get rid of it and she said to take it, it’s to heavy for me to move. I gave her 100 bucks anyway and she was thrilled.  

only found some numbers on it so far, which look like 184. It looks like a PW or maybe a HB but I’m not a anvil expert. Has very good ring and rebound. 
I thought maybe it just had a hardened steel face  welded on but looking closer I’m not so sure. 

what do you guys think?



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Well a 184 weight stamp means it's an American anvil, if it has the flats on the feet like a PW then I'd guess it was a Trenton.  What does the bottom look like?  Are there any numbers on the front feet?

British anvils would be weight stamped in CWT and the center number can only be 0-3.

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A good score indeed. If you wire wheel the rust off there may be remnants of a maker mark on it and a picture of the underside of the base may also hold a clue to the maker. I hope you have read about not doing any grinding, milling or welding on the hardened face, which to me looks welded on. Is there a serial number on the feet under the horn?

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