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I Forge Iron

Do I need a Welding Certificate?

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I'm taking on more welding jobs and wondering if I need a welding certificate. Outside of jobs that clearly call for it the only thing I can find in my state that legally call for it under the ORS revised statues are welding on pressure vessels and boilers. Are there any jobs I would be advised to turn down simply due to intrinsic liability? I've avoided a lot of critical structural welding jobs simply because I haven't purchased expensive business insurance yet. Though I imagine if someone (or something) is injured it's not going to matter if you have a cert or not. All that will matter is whether you have insurance to cover the liability and whether or not your negligence rises to anything above a civil act. 

Some things I'm concern about welding on are vehicles, trailers, aircraft, handrails, etc. 

Does anyone here weld on these things where certificates are not needed?

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