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I Forge Iron

Christoph Frederick Saw Jig

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After getting numb fingers pushing stock into the saw I thought there has to be a better way.

So I made a jig.....

I started with 1 1/2 inch channel for the sides. I welded some "guide bars" to the stock, they are the same size as the stock to be split. I ground them down some to make the stock to be cut fit snug. There are 3 pins to make it clamp square in the vise. I welded the "outside" of the pins leaving the centers clear to fit snug and hold the stock upright. And I added a small plate to the bottom of one half to keep the stock from sliding out the bottom.

You have to make sure your saw cuts down straight, make sure the blade tension is real tight, and set the "let down" tension so it cuts slow.

The first cut you can mark and watch it cut till it reaches the mark. For the deeper of the two, I let it cut through the jig and for future I will let it cut until it reaches this. My saw and jig cut really straight, and so it works well for me. Now, please send $49.95 plus shipping and handling for the patent on this jig....






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That's just the angle of the blade as it hinges down. Yes?

If a person wanted to get fancy s/he could weld a spacer at the bottom inside and top outside of the jig to angle the stock to compensate.

On the other hand finishing by hand, even a hack saw is fast and easy.


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