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1927 fisher anvil questions

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I have a good shape fisher 1927 black hammer anvil.. But have some questions about the markings i know it weighs close to 500lbs.. It reads fisher 1927, then has 464 and 111 stamped into it.. What are the markings and what would a estimated value be on it? 






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464 should be the weight in pounds.

111 I hope Josh can set us straight on what that means.

Fisher is the Manufacturer  and 1927 is the date of manufacture---they had a warranty for  certain amount of time so date stamped them.

Price depends on WHERE IT IS; which you haven't provided. 150 countries participate on these forums on the World Wide Web; in some of them anvils are much cheaper than in others.  I will say that I bought mine in similar condition and similar weigh, 469 IIRC, for US$350 in Central Ohio USA, back in the 1990's and though I had a screaming from the rooftops deal.

Note Fisher, 1927 and 111 are not stamped into the anvil they are cast in place.  I assume that the 464 *is* stamped into the anvil up near the inset on the side????

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Welcome to IFI... I always suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST

It would be an anvil from a Blacker power hammer that appears to be in excellent shape. If you edit your profile to show your location, as Thomas said it will help giving a value.


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Yes I originally assumed the 111 was the markings to the right of the date (which I read as 110)

If it's up near the face and stamped in; I wonder if it's a blacker serial number as I've run into another that was stamped that was about 2 off of the number stamped on mine.

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