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I Forge Iron

Sharing good news


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Hello again! Its been a bit since i was here last admittedly, but I wanted to share some good news with y'all.


So as a step towards being able to afford to start setting up a potential forge in the future as well as learn sills to both have a good career as well as useful skills for later projects, I'm going to be getting a welding and joining diploma. Now originally i was a bit worried about how i would pay for the courses in order to start. sure, 1400 isnt much but with my financial situation (especially with a room mate soon to be moving out) its hard to save. So i applied for a scholarship through AWS (the american welding society). and was surprised later in the month to see i actually was given it! This was a great surprise as it reduced my costs to 400. While waiting for this to go through the school i received another surprise, shortly after getting my first (and only if i can help it) credit card to pay off the rest of my tuition and books/supplies. I was granted student aid in the form of the HOPE grant! so my total costs for tuition have become 28$ in total for my first semester! Still trying to get in contact with the people who handle scholarships at the school so i can see what will happen with the scholarship. Hopefully i can use that for books and stuff or supplies i need. After im a month into classes ill start getting my GI-bill payments and that will cover my future tuition and materials costs and then i can use parts of what save to pay off my car by end of next year (woo!).


But yea, i just wanted to share my good news with yall here and show that im indeed still around (even though i haven't contributed much yet lol). Till next time!

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Good news! The United States needs welders badly and without shop classes and how the Edu. system has been pushing students to college degrees rather than the trades, certified welders are in high demand and will make darned good living. Good choice.

Frosty The Lucky.

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