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I Forge Iron

Midwest USA floods

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This will be a place to post info and links about 6-8 state flooding and severe weather. Following link is for Des Moines River through Iowa. Affected areas from Ft Dodge through Sailorville Reservoir ( above Des Moines) through Red Rock Reservoir ( Pella, below Des Moines) and on down to Mississippi. Friends that are smiths in Pella, Ottumwa, Eldon, Keosacqua and Bentonsport are all affected by rising water as I type. I am high and dry from river. 3+ " rain overnight last night ( locally below Red Rock ).

Rivergages.com: Providing River Gage Data for the Rivers, Streams, and Tributaries Along the Mississippi River

Info about Cedar River ( affecting Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City)

Rivergages.com: Providing River Gage Data for the Rivers, Streams, and Tributaries Along the Mississippi River

Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconson are all in serious trouble as well. Missouri and Mississippi rivers are both being fed with tributaries and ending at St Louis to feed on downstream through Tennessee ending in New Orleans. Many conditions now worse than 1993. Many smiths and buckskinners/re-enactors effected.

Edited by Ten Hammers
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Many states are praying for rain while other states are praying for it to stop for a while! As with many other things in life it is feast or famine. Mother Nature sure is not happy this year in America's Heartland and she is definitely letting it be known. Future food prices, among other things, will soon reflect the hardships endured this year in Mid-America.

"Levee breaks, threatening eastern Mo. homes"

Levee breaks, threatening eastern Mo. homes - Midwest flooding - MSNBC.com

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