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Considering the Midwest flooding, you might remember folks in your prayers. Rivers are due to crest ( locally ) tomorrow ( June 12th ) and will be at or above 1993 in some areas. Eldon Iowa ( American Gothic House town ) has a scheduled rondy this weekend ( on high ground) but the city is bagging. Bentonsport Iowa ( downstream ) has rondy scheduled 21,22,23 June and will most likely be underwater. I'm certain that other areas in Iowa and surrounding states ( Junior lives just a few miles from Missouri River ) are or will be getting hammered with flooding. Minnesota, Wisconson, Illinois, Missouri will all be flooded in next day ( if not now). I am west of the Mississippi roughly 65 miles and on dry ground.


no problems with flooding here 10 miles from Missouri river, but farmers are in dire straights and Monday the 1.75 inch hail didn't help the crops either to the east of me, The tornado just 4 miles east of town completely disimated one farmstead and severely damaged 3 others and a church.


Flooding and severe erosion problems including highways being completely washed away are the rule not the exception in my neck of the woods. One town near by lost a water main from their pump station due to debris rushing through an eroded area. That town is now looking at 14 or more days before water service is restored if we have no more rain... We are currently forecasted for 3 more days of rain starting today...

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