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I Forge Iron

ITC -100 Cure

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Last evening I coated the interior of my propane forge with the 100. I got real lucky on my mix- coated well and thick enough to almost "caulk" the corners where the ceramic board met. This morning I fired it up for the first time- the very first time. I adjusted for a neutral / slight carburising flame and ran it up to the point that the interior was glowing and let it run for about 5 minutes. Nothing flaked off- I can't imagine that any moisture remains, but it never hurts to ask. Sound about like others have done?jet

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I've been letting it dry for several days now before firing it up but there are no curing and firing instructions included.

In large part I'm letting mine dry so long is because I'm still mounting brackets and such on the frame so I can let it cure for a while yet.

I've posted the pics already but this will give you an idea what I'm up to. The lid will lift on the jack (red at left) and the sidewalls can be adjusted to suit your needs. One pic shows max single layer volume and the other shows about 1/4 table or normal general forging configuration.

In the 1/4 table configuration it'll run one 3/4" burner. In full table (max) single layer it'll require four 3/4" burners.

Going up another layer of fire bricks in the side wall will require running 1" burners through the same ports.




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You are probably building from your experience/instincts. Otherwise I would ask for plans.That is clearly such a workhorse forge, sensible height( easily adapted) and built for the long run- refractory and otherwise. I will not be using my little forge for awhile. I could re-fire- one opinion from who knows where said fire for 30 minutes. That seemed a bit much, but I'm an admitted rookie.I only used 1/2 of the pint jar - I was done when I ran out of that portion. I usually don't get luc... intentionally precise like that. A number of respected sites suggest that a second coat may have even better results, but no objective data. I would think that an improvement might be seen where the coats are repairs. I'm thinking that if I were to do a second coat, when I whack the side of the forge with a hot piece of steel, it will just produce a thicker chip laying on the bricks.mt

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I haven't developed plans for it per se, it's a test model, that's why it's made from rusty steel I had around.

My experience has been that 90% of what I do fits nicely in a single burner size forge, about 350-400 cu/in. The other 10% needs something larger.

I know too many guys with two, three even more gas forges around taking up space till they need it, then they NEED it.

I've been working out of a 6" dia. x 12" L. pipe forge I built for a coffee shop buddy who couldn't work any more and wanted to make "primitive" knives. Wanted to be able to use it for casting the furniture as well so I built this one for him.

By time I found him a decent anvil his cancer had progressed to the point he couldn't do much of anything so I ended up keeping it all. Anyway, this little gasser has really small openings and I've been frustrated so many times I MAY have gone a bit overboard on the new one. :rolleyes:

I fired the new one off today, I figured an easy on and off clip mount for the burners so I gave each quarter about 15 mins at orange heat.

The test firing told me a couple things today:

The insulating kiln brick W/ITC-100 came to high orange heat very quickly and after 15 mins were still cool on the outside. :)

The 3/4" burners will do the trick just fine though I have a bit more tweeking to do on them.

I don't have the burners aimed quite right, they need to be aimed more towards the center.

Lastly It worked pretty darned well so I'm sitting here with a big fat grin on my kisser. :D

Have you downloaded Sketchup? If so I can shoot you the drawing file and you can look it over, under, around and through.


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I have always been wary because I couldn't do well with the toy Etch-A-Sketch. I will download though- I like what you are doing there. Won't be able to do it until tomorrow some time. I am dictating rulings that have to be in tomorrow. Thanks,jet

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