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I Forge Iron

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Hi all, 

I'm new to the site, but am really looking forward to digging through the forums.  I've searched as best I can figure for the anvil below, both here and online, but can't seem to locate any information about it.  I was hoping that someone might have come across this brand.  

I'll attach some pics. It says Smith's England, on one side, and has the number 3 stamped on the front foot. I was wondering if anyone can point me towards any more information about the manufacturer, or factory location. 

Oh, and it weighs 120 lbs. 

My grandfather would have acquired it from a blacksmith shop at the government dock at Oak Point, NB in about he 50s.






England stamp usually means after around 1900 when a country of origin law went into effect in the USA.

Should be weight stamped in the CWT system so 120# would be 1  0  18  but stamped weight and zactual weight may vary by a couple of pounds 

Smith anvils are mentioned in Anvils in America pages 68 and 75 but Postman has not seem many of them.

Please remember: wire brushing is fine but any grinding or milling or welding  on the face can drop the worth by 1/2 or even more!


Thanks for the tips Irondragon.  I just read the suggested topic, and added my location to my profile ( Hamilton, ON), and searched google for "iforgeiron smith's england 3".    It still didn't give me anything useful, but the tip will help as I navigate on other topics. 

ThomasPower.  I'll try to track down a copy of Anvils in America and see what they've got.  Thank you for the suggestions.

I've hit it lightly with a flapper disk to get rid of some of the rust, though I left about a third of it because I didn't want to start removing any metal.  I won't do anything else to it till I've chained it to a stump and used it for a good long while.  In fact, I probably won't do anything to it until I've found someone who really knows their stuff and they suggest a change.  


Thomaspower. I had dismissed the tool marks on the other side, but it is as described about the weight. Thanks for the help. 

Does anyone think I need to worry about the visible crack along the bottom, or the ridge line under the face





44 minutes ago, Ryan Attoe said:

added my location to my profile

It must have not been saved, it should show up under your avatar. What looks like a crack is where the steel face was forge welded to the base. One way to tell if it's a problem is to test the ringing with a small ball pien hammer. If the ring is consistent over the whole face it is ok. OOPS Thomas replied while I was adding to my post.:)

BTW it looks like an excellent anvil, ready to go to work.


The ring seems consistent across the face, so I guess nothing to worry about. 

Irondragon: I tried again with the location under profile, and then hit save.  Still nothing.  I'll have to take another look at it tomorrow from another device, and then contact the admin if I can't get it to work.  I can see the advantage of people being able to figure out who's close by.

I'll post photos after I've got it mounted and I build some hammer & tong storage. 

Thanks for the help.

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