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I Forge Iron

Another one bitten by the Blacksmith Bug


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Hey Folks,

I figured it might not be wrong to say hallo. So to start things of - a couple of words about myself: I made a first makeshift coalforge 5 years ago and since more tools and things came together. Although I did not have a place to have my stuff set up all the time I managed to forge a week or two per year (:( only). At this point of time I am trying as hard as I can to find a place for a smal workshop and thus these are going to be my first uses of the search function (google + iforgeiron) and probably a thread.

As for what I like in blacksmithing and so on - it is mainly the process of working with this awesome matrial and fire and learning. In my experience it was always better to make many many babysteps than one big leap. As my first attemps of forging where tongs - and I ended up with junk and the will to make countless rivets before trying again. I hope I do not sound like a moron but anyway.

hallo guys,


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Hi Banane, Welcome. When I started, the first thing I was taught was how to forge a taper. That where I start now with anyone that ask me to show them anything. I believe it all starts there. Find a smith close to you, ask if you can come by, and watch him work. Explain your just getting started and ask what he would suggest you start with. Then LISTEN to the answer. Good Luck. AL

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When last I was in Germany (several decades ago) there were working forges at various museums and open air museums being worked by groups of volunteers (like at Lauf an der Pegnitz and Bad Windsheim), you might be able to find one local to you where you could get forge time and training.

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