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I Forge Iron

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My name is Todd Brandel, among other things I am a studio assistant in the art metals and ceramics studios at Boise State University. Mostly try to keep things running smoothly, supplies in stock, things fixed as best I can (students can break stuff pretty fast), and make a few tools. Mostly for my own enjoyment, I make some jewelry, small blacksmithing, make an occasional knife or tool, etc. I also do some woodwork. In the past I’ve worked for a leather goods manufacturing company and carbide tool manufacturer, where I learned enough about machining to be dangerous. In a couple of weeks I’ll take a field test to complete a certification in dispute resolution, then I can apply for certification as a professional mediator and hang out my own shingle. I’ve interned or volunteered in small claims court (here you have to try mediation before going to trial, about 60% get an agreement, but about 90% of the agreements are satisfied) for almost a year, fun and interesting, but no money in that area. In what free time I can find, I like the usual outdoor stuff, hiking, hunting and fishing, shooting and traditional archery. I also like to read and am trying to finish up a bachelors degree, so I can look at graduate school.


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