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I Forge Iron

1st & 2nd attempts

John Kelley

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Hey Guys,

Finally got my forge built and my anvil set up couple weekends ago.

Nothing special...but they work.forge.thumb.jpg.51213aa26d99d3c2a4f0058dcfb6c5e4.jpgAnvil.thumb.jpg.fc272abc9b8c0f5e88a1f63d4f0c03bc.jpg5a09ffc93ffe5_Forgebottom.thumb.jpg.068381767611534c3acad38a3b641100.jpg


Nobody sold a 1-1/2" cap around me...so a beer can and duct tape works to plug up the drop tube for now...lol.


I'm just practicing with cheap rebar for now.


1st blade.






Pretty fun stuff to do.

Both were just learning experiences for sure.

It was fun experimenting on the 2nd one with drawing out the rebar, seeing how tight it could be twisted, seeing what happens when you reverse the twist etc.

Not the most even twist for sure..would've been nice if I had a vice....lol

These pieces of rebar don't seem to harden at all in water..but that's ok...they both cut steak...lol

Fun projects

Thank you for the help I've received off this site.

Made things possible really.

Lots to learn!

Thanks again!



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Why I suggest practicing with automotive coil; spring: first it hammers differently than rebar so you are practicing what you need to learn about how it works, forging temps, etc and secondly if it does turn out nice you can practice heat treating as well and if that turns out well you have a *knife*!  Should be able to find coil springs cheap/free too.

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Like TP said, it's better to work with the alloy that you plan to use in the long run.  However, you can get a general sense of how hot steel will move when you hit it with a hammer and you got to play around with twists and tapers in addition to making some generally knife shaped objects.  As long as you enjoyed yourself that's time well spent imo. Welcome to the addiction.  Hang on to those two KSO's for future reference.  A year from now compare them to your most recent work.  You'll probably amaze yourself. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you make.

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