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I Forge Iron

Need some advice


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Hi all, 

I have a plot near Ontario, and I am planning to set up a commercial building there, and give it for rent. But, since the plot is remaining vacant now, I have to build it there, and I think pre-engineered steel structure would be good. I have found a steel building manufacturer in Ontario when I searched the internet. But, I want to know about it’s durability, and costs too. Will it be ideal since I am planing to give it for rental.?? Looking forward to your replies.


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You have not given us enough information to answer your question. For instance is the building your considering for a single car garage or a hanger for a 747?

What did the manufacturer say when you contacted them and ask about the durability and cost? Have you requested a copy of the brochure and warranty for the building(s) you are considering? 

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This is a question that comes up all the time for detached garages, barns and storage buildings on other fora. Treat it the same way you would someone building a new home for you, after all it (at least the mortgage on it) is a lifetime investment.

The answer is: talk to two or three vendors in your area, and ask permission to contact and/or visit a few recent completed installs for customers. If they won't even discuss letting you talk to any former clients, walk away.

Satisfied customers are the best sales agents. Unhappy ones tend to file in small claims court, and give plenty of negative advertisement.

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  • 2 weeks later...


If the purpose of the building is to rent it out to a local firm, it seems like the building should suit what the rental market is looking for.  Not only that, it seems like the return on investment calculations would depend heavily on the going rate for rent.  It might make sense to build a nicer building if the rental market's paying top dollar. Conversely, it might be better to build something cheap enough that it would still be worthwhile on the lower rent.

Where I live, there's lots and lots of vacant commercial real estate because retail is in recession right now.  On the other hand, there's a huge demand for self-storage.  I suspect it's because all the folks that lost their homes during the financial crisis "downsized" their living arrangements which they augment with storage units. 

It's weird but a cheap self-storage building would command much more income right now than a top-notch strip mall.



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