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I Forge Iron

hooks using a penny ends, and Fullered RR spikes.

David Kailey

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These are just a bunch of hooks, from scraps, and repurposed steel......ect.

Usually I come up with these projects while I am demoing, at fairs, event, and the such. 

I did like the reversed Penny end..... i think its a nice way to finish off a hook.....the shepherds hook has been pretty played out i think.













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Some great ideas for the rail spikes there. I like the set riveted together. A lot of drawing out there ... can't imagine you taking a power hammer to your shows. Do you make the parts at home first and assemble them at demos?

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3 hours ago, ausfire said:

Some great ideas for the rail spikes there. I like the set riveted together. A lot of drawing out there ... can't imagine you taking a power hammer to your shows. Do you make the parts at home first and assemble them at demos?

I drew them out at the demo site. I use the round corner off the side of the anvil, it has very little surface area so your able to get deep penetration with few hammer blows which really gets the iron moving i can draw a RR spike out twice its length in as little as 3-4 heats. But i absolutely use my power hammer if i am in the shop.

The deep fuller marks across the RR spike hooks I use a hardy tool. I lay the iron across the hardy and hit the back side its very accurate and pretty easy. 

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