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I Forge Iron

Hello from Orlando

Display Name

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Hello all. Been lurking for a few months now, decided this forum was full of information so decided to join. I am a new knife maker, been at it for a little more than 3 months and loving it. I have been wanting to do it for quite a while and finally decided to jump in the water. Just thought I would introduce myself and say hi before I start pestering with questions.

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Welcome aboard Display Name  glad to have you. I think you could maybe do a little more about your header. Unless Mr. & Mrs. Name called their little boy Display you might get some ribbing. Not that I would do any such thing, oh no not me! :rolleyes: Something catchier would be good as well as your general location, not your address ad soc #, just something to give us an idea on what part of the planet you cast a shadow.

A good start after you amend your header and defuse the amusement I'm likely to have at your sake, Iforge has thousands of archived posts many in the bladesmithing sections. It's well worth the time to get a handle on what you want to ask and what the bladesmith guys tell you in reply.

Frosty The Lucky.

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im actually fine with "Display Name". On some other forum my handle is "username". I mean if it's ok with you guys then display name is good for me. Also I apologize if my joke was crude. I see it was edited. Different forums have different manners it's just a matter of getting used to each forums etiquette. 

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