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I Forge Iron

Traditional Joinery Demo

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When: February 16th 2008
Where: Yesteryear Forge Amelia VA 23002 (Directions: Blacksmith Guild of Viriginia - Home )
Time: 10am-3:30pm
Lunch: Provided with $5 suggested donation. Fried Chicken

The Blacksmith Guild of Virginia is very excited to have:
NOL PUTNAM come and demonstrate a project he is formulating specifically for us to show some TRADITIONAL JOINERY techniques.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND IRON IN THE HAT!!! This is how we fund the monthly demonstrations and the newsletter!

Bring a comfortable chair!!!!!

RSVP so we can get an accurate lunch count!
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email me: [email protected]
call me: 434-390-6203

Everyone is welcome no matter your skill level, or if you are a member or not. We would love to have you join us for this special meeting by one of the most accomplished professional smiths in the country.

Looking forward to see you there!

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We are currently in the process of "Research and Development" with filming and HOPEFULLY recording, AND ultimately having our meetings go "live" as a webcast people can subscribe to and watch as it happens.

We are lucky to have such a great group of smiths and demonstrators and we want to help anyone and everyone and think this is the best option to do so...I hope the bugs can be worked out on the technical side in the next couple of months to get this going.

But...our Technical Director is in uncharted territory with using webcam cameras and remote wireless networking....and lots of other things that are in orbit way above my head and understanding.

Stay Tuned...


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Any word on the how the last meeting's video turned out? If I can be of any help please let me know (IT is my day job).

From what I saw you guys were off to a great start. Kudos to the gentleman (my memory is horrible forgive me) that was running the laptop/sound system/webcam. It seemed like the only thing limiting him was the hardware he was working with.

I think once the enigma of port forwarding and bandwidth cost is resolved we'll all be able to sit back and watch the meetings live from where-ever we're at.

Keep up the great work.


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The first attempt went okay...the sound is off at varying degrees throughout the sessions. Some places are worse than others. Adam is actively researching new equipment and connections to hopefully reach our goal.

There is a new forge being installed now with an electric blower to better enhance the demo experience. And I will be playing around with the PA system placement even more to make it even better. Hopefully a better mic, and other stuff too.

Bandwidth is an issue and it is all pretty much over my head. I have a general understanding that allows me to barely keep up with Adam when he is talking about it...but he is the man. Everyone is saying he is beyond what they can do....so we are "bodly going where no one has gone before."

We are determined to make it work...we just have to get all the bugs worked out!

It is good to know you are an IT man by day....thanks. We may need your help...I will let you know.


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