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I Forge Iron

An old enemy of mine

David Farmer

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Here's a question for the group. I'm sure most of us have had a problem with tendonitis over the years due to the nature of our work. Searched the topic and found references to anvil heighth and such but about it. My question is has anyone found a reliable treatment for it? I found a link in a blacksmithing book to using vinegar but it stopped about there. Or even one of the straps that can actually be used when working?

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I fought with tendinitis in my right arm for almost a year and a half after doing a lot of hardwood flooring installation work off-hours which was being aggravated by my day-job punching keys and moving a mouse around.  I tried every treatment I could find including the arm straps, ice/ibuprofen, electric pulse stimulation, etc...  The only way I finally got it under control was to move tasks to my other hand as much as possible while it healed (including a left handed computer mouse and learning to run a hammer and screwdriver with my non dominant hand).  It is completely awkward at first but the frustration I was having at not being able to use my right arm effectively put things in perspective, so I gutted through it. 

In hindsight I realized that I probably did a ton of damage while hammering with my thumb on the back of the dead blow hammer and gripping way too tight while hammering in a few thousand feet of engineered hardwood flooring...   Same thing with running a knife with your finger extended over the spine of the blade, it's amazing how quickly you can do serious damage to your hands and arms with incorrect technique in almost any repetitive action.

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What works for me is balancing the muscles - by putting a rubber band on the tips of my fingers and opening them - expanding the rubber band across all finger tips - its cheap and can be done while driving, watching TV or on a walk - just do it anytime you think of it and do 50-100 reps every now and then for a few weeks - like I said - it works for me. Keeping the muscles balanced will eliminate many joint problems.

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Good tip Jeremy. I'll have to give that a try. Mine all comes from being a welder. Left arm has been bad for months and coming back into my right since I started my blacksmith hobby. My anvil is way to low also. That and the large stick grinders I use at work. Can't avoid them. I was waiting for one of the old timers to drop in and give the "rub it with fuel oil" treatment. Some swear by it still.

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On 9/27/2016 at 10:40 AM, jeremy k said:

What works for me is balancing the muscles - by putting a rubber band on the tips of my fingers and opening them - expanding the rubber band across all finger tips - its cheap and can be done while driving, watching TV or on a walk - just do it anytime you think of it and do 50-100 reps every now and then for a few weeks - like I said - it works for me. Keeping the muscles balanced will eliminate many joint problems.

What size rubber band?  I'm going to try this.

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