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I Forge Iron

Restoring a Seized Vice


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15 hours ago, SLAG said:

Herr Gote,

Nitric acid has an avid affinity for organic compounds. It will readily attack substances like oils etc. Even if they are oxidized solid.

Hydrofluoric is Very reactive. Most chemists avoid using it for general chemical purposes. It is so reactive that it pulls silicon out of the glass matrix. Therefor it is used for etching or frosting glass.

Regards, SLAG.

Dear Mr Slag, I am aware of this.  I do not think that I have recomennded the use of acid (especially not hydrofluoric acid) nor has Thomas. We advocate the use of heat. Nitric acid will also attack the steel and is not a very safe material to handle and it will not attack all organic materils.

Best regards

Göte (Former head of a lab for inorganic chemistry)

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Still not gotten round to trying any of these suggestions as have been quite busy. When I do get around to it in the next month or so I'll be sure to post my progress here. I think I'll be starting with heat, hammer and oil before resorting to any acidic methods - except maybe ordinary household vinegar - purely from an accessibility point of view :) Besides, I've got a nice electrolysis set up now for rust removal now (however I found that was doing very well at removing rust from the 'easy' bits but not so well in all the nooks and crannies since electricity is lazy and follows the path of least resistance.... so do I for that matter!)

I just want to focus on freeing up that pivot and pivot bolt since that's the only thing stopping me from using it - although in time I expect I will need to get to that spring as it's probably pretty tired from being stuck in that position all those years.

Thanks for so many replies :D

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