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I Forge Iron

180 lb Auction find needing info

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Greetings all,

I have been following along when I can, and really enjoy all the information on this site.  Picked up a pretty nice 180 lb anvil at auction yesterday, and was hoping to get some information on who the manufacture was.  I don't recognize the markings, but I am sure some of you with more experience will.  Best I can make of the mark is possibly:  ???ION   on the side of the anvil

There is a 4?3 mark on the left foot, and 133269 on the left foot.  (best I can make out)  Would this be the serial number?

I have tried searching for info, but not a lot of help since figure out the first part of the name.  I thought at first that it had the look of a Hey-Budden, but that isn't consistent with lettering so IDK. 

Any help would be appreciated.


Rusted in OH.




As found.jpg

Unknow marking.jpg

Base mark left.jpg

Base mark right.jpg

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Wow!  1hr for answer.  Man you folks are good.  Love the collective knowledge on here. 

Thanks so much for the info. 

After hearing from you all, I can sort of make out the Trenton logo...  But I wouldn't without your help. Wire brush cleaned it up pretty well, but still no better logo. 

Now I am off to find out what I can about Trenton's.  Looks like made in Ohio, like so many others.  Seems to ring great, and has good bounce, so this should work well for intended purpose. 

Any idea's on the date?  Will have to see if I can find a AA book somewhere and learn about Trenton.

Again, thanks for the help.

Rusted in ohio


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