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I Forge Iron

1892 Buffalo #0 Forge

Swamp Yankee

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Looking for some help on the forge I just picked up. For starters I have narrowed it down to a 1892 #0 by Buffalo. Great shape with the exception of the handle for the blower which is incorrect, I will be making a new one out of oak or hickory. Any way to get the dimensions on the original handle? Also looking to see if anyone can send me a picture or schematic of where the blower attaches to the pan. Everything is attached and functioning but it doesn't look quite right underneath. I have attached a picture of the forge.

Buffalo #0.jpg

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Hey Swamp Yankee, 

That is a really nice looking first forge.  I can't help you with any of the questons you posted :).  The one thing I would do if it was me is put a layer of refractory cement around the pan at least were the fire pot is.  I had an older rivet forge that I cracked after the first 2 fires.  I put a layer of refractory cement in it after that hand haven't had any problems but I wish I would have done it before I fired it up.  

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