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I Forge Iron

Hurricane Rita


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To any Blacksmith friends in harms way from Huricane Rita:

If you need a place of refuge before or after the strom, I have plenty of room in Rapid City, South Dakota and you and your family are welcome here for as long as you need to stay. Contact me at 605-721-8723 or email [email protected].

May God bless all of you that are in harms way and keep you and your families safe.


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As Rita made landfall

We are some 1500 miles away from where it is to make landfall and they forcast rain here from the outer reaches of the storm. That is a big storm.

Hollis, our prayers are with you and those in harms way.

Current satalite view.
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I'm a smith from Lake Charles and have moved off about 40 miles east. At present the wind is blowing 35 mph and gusting occasionally to maybe 55 mph. Light rain and occasional heavy squalls. I'll try to keep updating as the night progresses and during the next few days as we, the wife, the forge hound and I try to get back and pick up the pieces.

Oh, the other dave is my num-de-plume since LAMA has Dave Mudge from the east side of Louisiana, David and David Bernard from the middle and me, the Dave from the far west side.

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Made it through the hurricane unhurt. City is closed to returning residents till Monday at the latest. Lots of water south of Lake Charles and trees and power lines down everywhere. Most homes suffered only wind damage. The town of Vinton, LA, almost on the Texas / Louisiana border suffered a direct wall hit.

Updates and streaming video about Lake Charles and other southwest LA areas can be found on kplctv.com . Fox and CNN are fixated on Galeston and Houston but the hurricane hit us almost directly.

More to come tomorrow.

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Light rain and moderate winds in beautiful Downtown Dyersburg, TN. The storm is right over us and we are under rain, wind and torando advisories now but the storm seems to have blown itself out down south of us. I am noticing some errosion on the slopes on either side of the house so the rain must have been harder last night.

I contacted Bryan Black, a smith who lives near Tyler, TX and they came through it just fine.

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