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11 hours ago, Daswulf said:

Horizontal leaf. Funny enough I'm starting to think a lot of leaves would look good but that could be on another one. This one will remain fall. Another leaf for another day ;) 

Do another version with a green patina on lots of copper leaves, and call it "Spring".

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On 05/12/2015, 17:04:31, ThomasPowers said:

I like JHCC's idea too especially the "wind effect".  I happened to read "Courage" by Robert W Service last night and also thought of your sculpture


Thanks for that link Thomas.I was born and brought up in an Ayrshire town called Kilwinning, where the original Mother Lodge number 0 of the Masonic Order exists( thought to have been founded by the stone masons from France and Germany) who built Kilwinning Abbey, about 100 yards from there was the Public House run by the family and descendants of Robert Service who is well known locally for his poems and stories of the " Yukon gold rush", this is the first reference I have seen to him since my younger days, so I enjoyed reading the poems in your link.I shall try to read more of his work in future.

I have always been more attached to the poems of Robert Burns, another Ayrshireman who co-incidently also had ties to the aforementioned Mother Lodge


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2 hours ago, fergy said:

I like it but for some reason I like it more when the bottom long piece points right 

But then again that's just me 

haha only just seen the leaf 

make it movable please everyone

Fergy, just turn it around :) the owner will be able to display it how they like to see it. As far as the leaf goes, I'm thinking that's the way to go. I'm happy with it, and it could be placed anywhere. I'll make a few more leaves for practice and see which one looks best.

6 hours ago, scrapartoz said:

You are doing very well . follow your heart on this one . You are the one that must like this great sculpture the most, Take risks!

Thanks so much Scrapartoz. Im actually happy with this one. Already have other things in the works. I really would love to go bigger on things but that will come as I start to know how to go about it. 

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