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I Forge Iron

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My name is Jerry. I live in Devine, Texas. About 30 minutes south of San Antonio. We live on a small farm. I am on my 29th year as a San Antonio Firefighter.

I have had a longtime interest in the art of Blacksmithing but, I was working two jobs to provide for my family. The kids are grown and out of the house and I quit my part time job of Locksmith (25 years) about 6 months ago. About a year ago I joined Balcones Forge. I am totally amazed at the willingness of fellow blacksmiths to share their knowledge. I signed up here at IFI about a month ago and have spent much of my spare time soaking up the information provided.

Though I have only been at this for a short time, I do have one recommendation for those with an interest. Join your local blacksmithing groups. There are a lot of great people very willing to help.

So far I pretty much make scrap out of good steel. On occasion something happens and I amaze myself.

I greatly enjoy an appreciate the work that goes into this site. What an asset.

Jerry W.


Welcome aboard, Jerry! Don't forget to join us on Tuesday night in the Blueprint chat. Always something good coming out of there, in the way of projects, tools, etc.

Enjoy your stay, don't forget to post your questions as there is literally hundreds of years of experience on IFI just waiting to help out the new guys!

aaron c.


Welcome Jerry! Glad you're here. I can't agree with keykeeper more. There are many people here with a wealth of experience who are more than willing to share. Enjoy the site!


Welcome Jerry!
We chatted tuesday night after the BP's.
Don't forget that your knowledge as a firefighter can prove invaluable to us all.
( We talked about that a bit)

Glad to have you here!

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