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I Forge Iron

I like this knife


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I don't get much chance to post in this knife forum, as I've never made a knife.

I'm posting this pic not because this knife is a stunning creation, but because it's nicely made and it means a lot to me. It was given to me by an elderly aboriginal gentleman on a remote cattle property in western Queensland. He makes these little cutting knives for the ringers on the station, mainly for use in turning young bulls into steers.

I watched how he makes them with the most basic of equipment and no electricity. He cuts the blade from an old crosscut saw and files it to shape. The handle is made from aluminium scrap with rivets which he cuts from a stainless steel rack from an old fridge. Lots of hand sanding and filing.

I was teaching with the School of the Air at the time and was visiting the children on the property when he presented me with this knife. I treasure it now, as he is no longer with us, and I remember him as a real old gentleman of the bush.

Here's the knife. Matchbox for size comparison:



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