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I Forge Iron

Beginner blacksmith 2


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I can't respond on the old thread :'( to Frosty and Michael.bell 

Oh xxxx Frosty, i just saw that you live in Alaska ! But yeah I live in Montreal and there's laws that restrain me from having a coal forge in my backyard... Wich sucks because i think building a coal forge is much easier and also finding the materials is less complicated. Maybe im having a hard time with finding the materials for a T burner because im french and my brain wont function properly lol. :wacko:

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Yeah, I keep the Alaska part as quiet as possible, we only want tourists to save enough to get back home.

Expect someone to edit and maybe mention this is a family site and even mildly strong language isn't allowed.

Where my place is there are no codes or covenants beyond state and federal. If the neighbors were to complain I'd just glare or something. I'd have to do something that endangered them to have the police ASK me to desist.

Don't you have plumbing suppliers? You DO have plumbing don't you? I wouldn't make French jokes but you opened the subject and I have serious trouble leaving a straight line lay or ignoring an invite like that. :ph34r:

I'm trouble shooting a new T burner how to and will have it up before long. The one I posted years ago is an OLD design I haven't used in decades but I guess once it's on the net it's like the pyramids, there for good. OR bad.

I have the build down to not needing fancier equipment than a drill press and a work around if you don't have one. I'm proto typing the new burner build and once I get it tuned I'll get the mechanical drawings done and post it as an IFI blue print.

Frosty The Lucky.

Edited by Frosty
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Oh okay Frosty im sorry, im trying to edit my post but it won't work. Also, thank you for telling me i didn't know about the language.

Don't worry about it southern brother we've all been xxxed out a time or two. You only have a short time to edit your posts when the software is working.  Looks like admin xxxed it. No worries.

Frosty The Lucky.


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