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I Forge Iron

Hello from Utah


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Hey everyone, I'm new to forging and this site looks like it has some great info as well as inspirational talent. I just recently got started in my garage with a small fisher anvil and a single burner propane forge I bought from a local smith. I've been to one bfc meet locally and hope to attend more. It's great to finally start practicing some basics and I'm excited to learn more! 

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I haven't focused on anything very specific yet, just been working with steel so far. I've practiced several leaf keychains and have had a few turn out, my first chisel was easy and I was able to successfully harden and heat treat it. I've attempted 2 pairs of mini tongs out of 3/8" that weren't keepers. So one next goal would be to figure out flat tongs and bolt tongs so I can make my own. And aside from tools and leaves I've started a small pair of wall hooks and made one successful bottle opener.

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