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I Forge Iron

ARMA - The Association for Renaissance Martial Arts

Hunterbow Smithy

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Probably most of you guys (& gals) have seen this site before, but for those who have not and are interested in the history and usage of something other than the katana; check this site ARMA

They have a wealth of information that they share for free. Imagine that on the World Wide Web? :P



P.s. - Nothing against the katana; which is truly a beautiful weapon to behold, but it does tend to overshadow many other worthy blades. A situation that I believe Hollywood is primarily responsible for. IMHO

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Yeah...that is a favourite scene of mine as well. Indy got the "point" across pretty well...don't bring a sword to a gun fight.


I am not sure what you mean by being shaped like a bulldog. If you are specifically focused on the two handed sword, long sword, or bastard sword...then yes, you may have a point. But there are many other styles made by every culture that had the technology to work iron or bronze; right from antiquity to the early 19th century.

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I've seen experienced men spar with European longswords, and I can tell you it's every bit as developed and deadly as Eastern martial arts. We've been fortunate in the last several years in the publication and growing interest in medieval and Renaissance fechtbuchs. The typical veiw of European swords and swordfighting is mainly a Hollywood stereotype, along with 100 lb. armour and craning knights onto their horses. I've been looking for a group near me, but haven't found anyone conveniently close yet.

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thanks for the post Chad...I'll have to review that link....but...
my favorite fight scene is the Indiana Jones one where the big guy displays the sword moves and Indy just shoots him..but then I'm from the quick and simple school..:)

that is a great scene to. ARMA has given me a lot of information that I never knew, thanks for the link.
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  • 4 months later...
thanks for the post Chad...I'll have to review that link....but...
my favorite fight scene is the Indiana Jones one where the big guy displays the sword moves and Indy just shoots him..but then I'm from the quick and simple school..:)

GAH! i hate that so much! The guy trains for so many years with the sword, and some guy with a revolver shoots him. I mean, I would have done the same thing, but still, the gun put the power into the hands of someone who trains for a day to kill a man who has trained his whole life to fight with the sword, thereby displacing archers in the process.

I mean come on, at least do what Miyamoto Musashi did to Shishido Baikin and trow a knife at the guy...
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ARMA is a great resource, one of the gangs who truly get's "it" right. Best thing is they have groups all over the US, and for a beginning swordmaker a great gang to show your blades too for authentic critque from those who study the REAL ways to fight in the old European styles.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks Chad,
good link for guys like me ,who need their noses stick into manuscripts-even electronic-there are useful links on that arma pages,i really appreciate your help.
Next time i gonna investigate in Norske Sagas,i really like that stuff about Skeggi and Hrolf Krakke`s sword(called Skoffnung)...but thats long story...thanks again!

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