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I Forge Iron

repurposing old ratchet/socket extensions

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Beryllium Bronze, Be is the element designation. Never used to worry about it until I found out that a local business, which was notoriously lax about safety, would refuse an entire train car load of scrap if *1* sample showed Be and then they would do a full clean up of their scrap receiving area down to formal washing out of the bins with a chemical solution that they would then pay to be treated.

If that company was that scared I was petrified! The dust and fumes of Be can cause an incurable lung disease.

As many of my processes involving grinding or polishing I chose to avoid it's use. From the OSHA website:
"Workplaces need to identify sources of beryllium. In addition to the health hazards described above, beryllium is also a flammable solid and a dust explosion hazard.

Very stringent measures are required to prevent possible exposure to beryllium. They are:
Elimination or substitution...."

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