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I Forge Iron

Around New England winter 2014/15

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Lifted from our newsletter, see the newsletter for more info or contact your state representative (contact info on the NEB website http://www.newenglandblacksmiths.org ).  Due to insurance requirements NEB membership is required at some of these events, ask before you go!



Around New England 


New Hampshire

The Teaching Center in Brentwood NH will be open for Open Forge Sessions Oct. 25 and Nov. 29. It will close for the winter season after Nov.




Workshops hosted by Morrell Metalsmiths

The ins and outs of Scrolls

November 15 & 16, 2014
With Carl Close - Cost $175. Limit 12 participants
Hands on intensive two day workshop - Sat. 10 - 5, Sun. 9 - 4
Lodging potentials available

Anvil Repair Day
January 24th, 2015 at 9am
Cost $75.00 per. Anvil

Hammer Head and Handle
March 14 & 15, 2015
With Steve Ash - Cost $175. plus materials - Limit 12 participants
Two Day workshop making your own hammer




It is never too early for me to promote Brentwood North. The next program will be held on Feb. 28 2015 at the Ball & Chain Forge in Portland, Maine. I am seeking instructors to be involved. As always the program is limited to 12 students. Contact Bob Menard (NEB board member) if you are interested either as a student or instructor.

New England School of Metalwork programs

Oct. 14-16 Basic Damascus steel with NESMW staff

Oct. 20-24 Furniture for the Fireplace with Doug Wilson

Oct. 28-31 Forging a Japanese tanto with NESMW staff

Nov. 3-14 ABS intro to bladesmithing with Jim Crowell

Nov.18-21 Beginner Blacksmithing with Dereck Glaser

Dec. 2-5 Forged kitchen knife with Nick Rossi

Dec. 10-12 Here there be dragons with Dereck Glaser

Dec. 17-19 Damascus steel jewelry with NESMW staff

Jan. 6-9 Beginner Blacksmithing with Dereck Glaser

Jan. 13-16 Forging tools for the Blacksmith with Dereck

Jan. 27-30 Knife Making– Finish it with Nick Rossi




Rhode Island

Join the Southern Bunch at South County Museum in Narragansett, RI on the 4th Saturday of the Month. Contact Jim Crothers  [email protected] for more information.


No Submissions at press time.



Ongoing classes at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, as well as monthly guild meetings at the museum teaching center.  See the LCMM website for more info.  http://www.lcmm.org/education/blacksmith.html


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Nope, can't cut and paste info it seems.  


Here are the details.  Sat. Mar. 21 2015 at the Old Stone House, Brownington, Vermont.  9 AM till 5 PM there will be a hands on "Cabin Fever" blacksmithing meet.  1-2 PM potluck lunch, there will be a fire pit for cooking over and warming yourself. Self guided tours of the OSH Museum.  Tailgating and Iron in the Hat.


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Nope, can't cut and paste info it seems.  


Here are the details.  Sat. Mar. 21 2015 at the Old Stone House, Brownington, Vermont.  9 AM till 5 PM there will be a hands on "Cabin Fever" blacksmithing meet.  1-2 PM potluck lunch, there will be a fire pit for cooking over and warming yourself. Self guided tours of the OSH Museum.  Tailgating and Iron in the Hat.


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