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I Forge Iron

Horsehead-Brian Brazeal style, first attempt


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Hiya All,

Just can i say before this that I do not at all take any credit for the design of this item, I am just posting this for the negative/positive feedback it may acquire. So this is my first go at a Brian Brazeal style horse head. It is forged out of wrought iron, at the local historical village. Unfortunately the bar was approx. 1/4" by 5/8", a little to small for the bottle opener i planned to make, but a good size, i found, for the actual head. (This was my first time working with wrought iron, i can say i need a LOT more practice with it). After forging, i took it to the wire wheel and then soaked it in vinegar for a few days. The layers have come out. I also must say i need to forge more punches for myself, as i plan to make more of these in the future.

Negative/positive feedback will be great!


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Owen,I watched you forge that horse's head and I can tell everyone here that you did a fine job for a first try. It's a pity the steel was a bit thin for the proposed bottle opener - you almost made it! I wouldn't waste that piece though. Draw it out a bit, punch a couple of holes and you'll have a neat coat hook.
Email me the picture if you like and I'll have a go at posting it for you. (I also have a picture of you at the forge which I could post - with your permission of course).

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Owen,I watched you forge that horse's head and I can tell everyone here that you did a fine job for a first try. It's a pity the steel was a bit thin for the proposed bottle opener - you almost made it! I wouldn't waste that piece though. Draw it out a bit, punch a couple of holes and you'll have a neat coat hook.
Email me the picture if you like and I'll have a go at posting it for you. (I also have a picture of you at the forge which I could post - with your permission of course).


Hi Darryl,

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Owen,I watched you forge that horse's head and I can tell everyone here that you did a fine job for a first try. It's a pity the steel was a bit thin for the proposed bottle opener - you almost made it! I wouldn't waste that piece though. Draw it out a bit, punch a couple of holes and you'll have a neat coat hook.
Email me the picture if you like and I'll have a go at posting it for you. (I also have a picture of you at the forge which I could post - with your permission of course).


Hi Darryl,

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Owen,I watched you forge that horse's head and I can tell everyone here that you did a fine job for a first try. It's a pity the steel was a bit thin for the proposed bottle opener - you almost made it! I wouldn't waste that piece though. Draw it out a bit, punch a couple of holes and you'll have a neat coat hook.
Email me the picture if you like and I'll have a go at posting it for you. (I also have a picture of you at the forge which I could post - with your permission of course).


Hi Darryl, 

I have forged it out into a coat hook-and drilled some holes for a nail. Thank you for the kind words!

By the way, sorry about so many multiple posts!

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No worries. Admin will delete the extra posts. We've all done that at times.
I'll try to post your photo of the horse's head coat hook. Glad to see you didn't waste it after the bottle opener split.
And congratulations of the new anvil - nothing stopping you now.

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