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I Forge Iron

New Student Work


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This past week I taught my first course at the North House Folk School up in Grand Marais, Minnesota. The topic of the class was the making of a pattern welded puukko knife, handle, and sheath in five days. The course ended up having eight extremely hard working and enthusiastic students a couple of whom had a little smithing experience. The bulk of the class was brand new to knife making which makes me even more proud of how they did. They started with a fifteen layers of 15n20 and 1084 at 1/8 inch thick per layer, working in pairs with strikers they had all achieved two folds by the end of day one and forged their blades the next day. The remaining three days was spent hand filing the blades and sanding them, making the handle, and the sheath. We ended up with a total of 42 hours in the course all said with everyone finishing their knives and all but two finishing their sheathes.  One student decided he wanted to do more of a leuku as opposed to a puukko, but I think they came out great and was very proud of them.

 But now for pictures!


The shop:




My demonstration knife:





And the students knives:
















This one I was particularly proud of the student for his meticulous handle work:




The leuku:





Thanks for looking!



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I spent a week in Clearwater, MN in '06 and we spent a few evenings eating in Grand Marais! . Beautiful place! We were up at Clearwater lake just North of there. I fell in love with Northern Minnesota! 

I'd be very interested in taking a puukko smithing class. Will you be doing another class? 

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