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I Forge Iron

65 ton Press comes home


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    Today was a good day !! one of my Mentors Don built a heavy H frame 65 ton press some 20 + years ago for are shop there was 5 folks when we started  3 auto 2 welder me & don He was here for years working together until he left for his own shop we ran outa room ! & don likes to work by him self he passed this last Dec 25 I will always miss him ! we moved the press today its here where it belongs again 


   I was not into blacksmithing or hot work back then :( but now will put her next to the PH & I can see

HOT work for her coming up !


the press is tall than the inside of Dons garage with chain hoists we were able to get it out safely

& on trailer  



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Way cool! Can I get a viewing permit in a couple weeks during the hammer-in? I just bought a 30 hp hyd pump from John E. Oh, by the way, we're gonna lean on you to find a forklift to move this pump out of John's truck, into mine,,, Buddy!

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hay Mike if John is gona be down here YOU Bet ! press will move to inside the shop this week hook up runing ??

got a busy week ahead & this just mite make me run a main elec line to the back area  I need anyhow

more time though & sup


?? you bringing that anvil down to fix ? & I hope to play glass blower trainee  :wub: so metal stuff boring LOL

& theirs a ping pong table this year so I here, you or anyone else is TOAST ! dun deal :D

hay got pics of that pump ? sounds fun I can tell you some storys of things gone Opps with this press no one hurt thank God ! its got power !!


PS got fork lift !!!

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Well Monday I off load press off trailer & into shop It now sets in the forge area next to the #33 yang for now 

need to re-work/update 3 Ph wiring to the back area again LOL put the motor back on & is working

Down the road will re-work controls for foot pedal & do some hard line update just cause

heres a pic of area


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