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I Forge Iron

New smith in VA


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Howdy Y'all, wanted to say hi. I am a soldier currently stationed at Fort Lee. I recently built my forge and have been working it for about 2 weeks now. I look forward to learning from y'all and hopefully meeting some of the local smiths here. As far as my forge focus. I eventually would like to make knives, but am now learning the basic stuff.

Take it easy y'all.

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you and thank you for Serving.


There's a pretty active smithing group in your neck of the woods, check the regional organizations section at the bottom of IFI's front page for the one nearest to you. . . all. <grin>


If you haven't read it on the forums already, pull up a comfy chair, pack a lunch and something to drink and start reading the site. Almost anything you can ask has already been answered probably several times. It's in no way a complete collection of information but it's more than enough to give you a decent grounding so your questions will be good ones and whatever we may answer will make sense. . . Well, some days I don't make much sense even if I'm right. It's a dented head thing.


Frosty The Lucky.

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