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I Forge Iron

Railroad Andirons

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I just happened to run across these while perusing ebay and thought they were brilliant enough to share.  I've seen a lot of stuff made out of railroad tracks, but never andirons.  Way too big for me to contemplate duplicating, but still worth remembering.  Heck, I never even thought to use the track as a base, either.  I can see a lot of potential in this idea.


For some reason, I can't get the images transfered to the post, so I'm just gonna post a link to the sale.  Not endorsing the sale or trying to help market the product..... just thought it was a very neat thing to see.  If anyone knows how to capture the photos for posterity, I'm all ears.


and so we remove the link.

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Here they are:


post-48601-0-50940000-1391418565_thumb.j post-48601-0-17655100-1391418589_thumb.j post-48601-0-51203700-1391418592_thumb.j post-48601-0-31383300-1391418616_thumb.j post-48601-0-75406700-1391418630_thumb.j post-48601-0-89116200-1391418645_thumb.j post-48601-0-26291600-1391418786_thumb.j


(Pictures are from ebay.)



(How to get:

double click on the ebay image, a new picture window pops up,

right side is a list of small pics, click on one of them,

bigger version shows up, right click on the new big picture,

menu bar shows up, click to Save picture as and save the picture to your computer.)





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Thanks for killing the link.  I didn't know I had to save the photos to my computer.  Usually, I can post them if I just copy/paste the image address into the message box.


Still, was I right or what?  Those are some seriously cool andirons!

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