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I Forge Iron

Just Starting

Guest TremendousWall

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Guest TremendousWall

Hello everyone!

I am extremely new to this and hoped that i could get some pointers at what to buy for tools, what type of forge to make, just about all the stuff to get my fire started (pun intended). My price range would be about $40-$50 in all, so I hope that can get me a decent starting point. Thanks for reading! :D


Since everyone is saying where they're from, New Jersey all the way haha.

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Hello. It helps to take a minute and update your profile so your location always shows and people know where you are from at a glance.



With only a $40-50 budget, you are probably looking at building your own coal forge. You can find quite a few here if you look a bit. A basic ball peen hammer will get you going or a small sledge. Decent flea market finds should run you $2-10. A pair of water pump pliers will do in a pinch to get you going. Look up twist tongs on ABANA's web site. I just helped a young man make his 1st set of tongs this way this weekend at a demo. Toughest thing to stay on budget will be some sort of anvil. There are all sorts of options for make shift anvils that would allow you to remain within your budget, but it will depend on your skills at scrounging parts etc. Finding "real" anvil in the $50 range is possible, but not very common. A couple nice used files, a hacksaw, a few chisels and some sort of bench vise would round out your basic tools.

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Guest TremendousWall

Thanks for replying, I will look into the coal forge, and I think I may have a hammer or two lying around, definetly pliers. I will start looking for a nice anvil thats not too expensive, or just find makeshift parts like you said. This was of great help, now I can hopefully get started with blacksmithing! :)

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I constantly browse yard sales, flea markets, used tool stores and so on for cheap tooling. I've also found a few deals at antique stores even though for many things these places are over priced.


Lots of blacksmithing tools can be made yourself once you gain some basic skills.


I'd also budget yourself some money for some good books on forging. There are any number of good basic books that cover the subject. Make a list and let the family know you'd like one or more for Christmas or your birthday. Also look into what local clubs might be in your area. You might look in to the New Jersey Blacksmiths Association or similar groups near were you are located.

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I've built my forge, and obtained two anvils and a small supply of stock for the grand total of $10 with scrap I had laying around and asking nicely of the right people. the $10 was spent at a garage sale to buy a bucket of coal and a shop vac because the shop vac I had intended on using was broken.


be resourceful, keep an open mind, and always ask nicely.


and get to reading. there is so much on here to learn that you'll be on here for a very long time.

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Find a local ABANA group, attend the meetings, be friendly and absorb all that you can.  Be resourceful with the money you have, and make some things that will sell, an anvil doesn't have to look like an anvil btw.  Search this forum, all of the topics you need have been covered countless times.

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Welcome to IFI.


There are other smiths in NJ whom I am sure will be glad to help you get started. Good luck and keep on reading the forums here at IFI. THe chat room is a good place to gather information. At 10pm every tuesday come to the chat room. There are BP's (blue prints). The admin staff posts links to some really neat projects and you can discuss them with those that are on chat.


Mark <><

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