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I Forge Iron

New from Missouri


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Hey, all. (Notice I didn't "hey, y'all" :) ) just moved to Missouri from Iowa. Recently married and out of college, looking for work and a hobby. I'm not sure yet if smithing is the route for me, but you are very welcome to convince me it is!

My papa is a history teacher, and growing up I was enamored with the medieval period in Europe especially, though I love it all.

To be specific, I'm not looking to make smithing/forging my work but my hobby :P

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Welcome aboard Barcode guy, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be happy to discover how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance. Nothing beats having an experienced smith show you how and it'll really help you find equipment, tools, materials and help lifting that heavy darned project your Mom wanted for the garden. <wink>


A good start is to pull up a comfy chair, bring a lunch and something to drink and start reading the sections of IFI. There you'll find the experience expertise and pictures of thousands of folk. Reading the answers to questions can be a lot more helpful than a person might think. It's a learning from other peoples mistakes and problems thing. <wink>


Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks for the replies :)


I'm located in Kansas City, Mo. Not sure if reposting an intro is kosher on the forums, but its in my profile information now. 


Perfect. NO worries about posting more than once here. Most of us hit the "POST" button several times waiting for our post to upload occasionally. So directly following between 2 and on one occasion I recall 5 identical posts the poster will send another saying OOPS! or the equivalent.


Frosty The Lucky.

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